Why you need a technical writer for your project.

Simplifying complex technical concept.


A technical writer is an essential member of any project team. They are responsible for creating clear and concise documentation that helps users understand and use a product or service. Technical writers work with developers, engineers, and other subject matter experts to gather information, create documentation, and ensure that it is accurate and easy to understand. They also play a critical role in the user experience, by ensuring that users can easily find and understand the information they need. The need for a technical writer on a project is paramount, as they can help to improve communication, increase user satisfaction, and ensure that the product or service is used effectively.

Here are examples of how a technical writer simplifies things.

Polygon coin tokonomics

Polygon is a decentralized network that aims to provide a scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain. It uses a technique called "plasma" to allow for faster and cheaper transactions. The coin associated with the Polygon network is called MATIC, and its value is determined by supply and demand on cryptocurrency exchanges. The tokonomics, or economic model, of MATIC, is similar to that of other cryptocurrencies, where the total supply is limited and the value is determined by market forces. The token's primary use case is to pay for transaction fees on the Polygon network, but it can also be traded on various crypto exchanges"

As a technical writer, here is how I will write the tokonomics of polygon "have you ever played games online with your friends and it gets really slow or doesn't work well? Well, Polygon is like a special road that helps the game work better and faster. And just like how you need money to buy things in the game, you need a special coin called MATIC to use the road. And just like how sometimes you want to trade your game money for different things in the game, people can also trade MATIC for other types of money. But the amount of MATIC is limited, so it can become more valuable or less valuable depending on how many people want it"

I bet you the above-written tokonomics is easy to understand and relatable.

Here is another example of how a good technical writer can simplify technical jargon.

A regular technical writer will explain a Decentralized autonomous organization like this "*A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is a digital organization that is run by a set of rules encoded as smart contracts on a blockchain network. These rules dictate how the organization's assets and decision-making processes are managed and executed. Because a DAO is decentralized, it is not controlled by any single individual or entity and instead relies on a community of stakeholders to make decisions. This allows for greater transparency, accountability, and trust in the decision-making process. DAOs can be used for a variety of purposes, including managing a cryptocurrency, funding projects, and creating decentralized marketplaces"

Here's how I will explain DAOs

"DAO is like a club run by a computer program, where everyone in the club agrees on how things should be done and the computer program makes sure everyone follows the rules. It's like a game where the rules are set by the players and the computer is the referee. No one person is in charge and everyone gets to have a say in how the club is run. It's a way for people to work together and make decisions in a fair and open way"


A technical writer is responsible for creating and editing technical documentation, such as user manuals, software documentation, and other technical publications. they work closely with developers, engineers, and other subject matter experts to understand Complex Technical Information And Present It In A Clear And Concise Manner For A Non-technical Audience. Technical writers are essential for projects because they ensure that important information is communicated effectively, improving the user understanding and adoption of the product, and reducing the need for customer support. Additionally, technical writers can also help to improve the overall user experience by providing clear instructions and troubleshooting guides.